… that the more sacred things may be kept for the knowledge of my people.

The man, father, prophet Nephi stated the purpose of the smaller record of his life was “… that the more sacred things may be kept for the knowledge of my people.” (The Book of Mormon, 1 Ne 19:5)

For the past few years I have been ignoring feels to document the sacred things in my life.  The things that I want my children and grandchildren to know. These “things” consist mostly of stories, experiences that have made significant marks on my life. The feelings have become stronger and more insistent until now, finally, I have determined to try in this format.

I am somewhat self conscious in my effort. I am not seeking approval and I have no other intention than to share with those that I love the good things of life that I have gained by experience.

I am not a writer by any stretch of the imagination, but I do love a good story and like to tell them to entertain and to teach. I have shared many stories with my children, which I’m sure they thought were merely for entertainment, and entertainment was one of the reasons for the stories, but woven into the stories are truths and principles I wanted them to learn. I hope I have had some success in that endeavor, and now I hope that whoever reads this blog can see beyond the stories to the truths and might be inspired to experience the same in their life.

This blog will not be chronological nor a complete history of my life. As the title suggests, my intent is that only “… the more sacred things may be kept …”. These are the things that I know to be true.

My weekly comments will be posted under the My Blog page. You may read a little about me under the About page.

Here we go!

My baptism by fire is recorded in the post titled The Lost Pocket Knife.

My calling and election is recorded in the post titled Calling and Election.

My Second Comforter experience is recorded in the post titled My Calling and Election Made Sure.

I have not yet been invited through the veil but I stand and knock, desiring to enter in the Lord’s own time.

3 Responses to … that the more sacred things may be kept for the knowledge of my people.

  1. Lynsey says:

    I’m excited to read them! Some of my favorite memories growing up were hearing those stories and experiences.


    • Roy L Barrus says:

      Thanks Lyny my youngest!! I love you! My children have been the source of many of my most precious experiences. I remember one harrowing experience riding horses together up the zig zag trail when Pal decided to take things into his own hands (um, hooves). As he bolted back down the trail with me behind you shouting instruction and as you turned his head without effect and he was about to plumet over the edge of the canyon I prayed a simple butfervent prayer of “HELP”! To my amazement he turned to follow his head and came to a stop. Another immediate answer to prayer. It happened with those horses more than once.


  2. Mike Stroud says:

    This sounds a lot like another person that I greatly admire and respect, John Pontius. He wrote for exactly the same purposes you mention. Good luck in this sacred endeavor. I will read and follow your blog with interest. Sincerely, Mike


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